i'd rather have my eyes gauged out, please.
About a week ago I was deep in thought and bit my lip in the process. It was a pretty large bite and it didnt hurt that bad that day, in fact...the pain almost felt good.
i know that you know what i am talking about. you just cant stop biting, even though it hurts really bad you sicko.
So, today - 6 days later - it is still large and keeping me from enjoying any food...especially the food packed with sodium. So what does my smart brain tell me to do? PUT SALT ON IT.
So i did, and ...i'd rather have my lip ripped off. I need some vicadin or something, dear god, it hurts!! it hurts!!!
Does this even help? Or is it just self torture???? I am fighting the urge to lick the salt off!
that sucks...is it getting any better? -lisa
That medicine does help, but it stings like a bitch! You poor baby. :-( I hate those. Another quick way to get rid of it is to gargle with salt water over the sore to dry it up. (it works and doesn't hurt much)
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