never a dull moment...
So apparently...eyes can get herpes. That's right. HERPES. Its called occular herpes and is the cold sore virus in your eyeball. And I have it. I can't see very good through my left eye but the meds seem to be somewhat working.
I got a new pair of shoes today. They are pretty sweet. They are a sea-green Nubuck Adidas Shoe. I like them quite a bit. I even bought some fancy sprays to take care of them. I know what you're thinking, and the answer is yes. I am a sucker.
I also bought surround sound for my apartment. It's super. When I watch a sitcom, the laughter comes out the side speakers. It can kinda freak you out when you're not paying attention to the tv and hear laughter to the side of you.
I had to get a new dvd player too because my other one broke. So, I got the 6 disc changer and it's pretty much the coolest ever. My apartment is glamerous. I love it. I wish I could work from home. =)
"...I can't tell if you're laughing, between each smile there's a tear in your this the life that you lead or the life that's led for you? Will you take the road that's been laid out before you?..." - Rise Against, Paper Wings
HA!! I get to hang out for hours in that wonderous DTS land!!!! Thank you, Haley! =D -the best roomie ever!
you need to update more often.
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